At a Crossroad

crossroadSometimes I feel we’re at a crossroad. You know those times when you’re just waiting for something challenging or good to happen. We’re not in a deep crisis but husband and I, well…mostly me, are being challenged to the core. I know other people are experiencing worse but it’s making me crazy. Every. Single. Day. Thinking about other people and the burdens they need to carry make my heart cry.

I asked God to help me bear one Fruit of the Holy Spirit this year: PATIENCE. God has been answering by giving me a few tests. He’s sending patients my way too.

I remember the last time I felt this way. My husband just got promoted while I was freed from pain. I asked him why such things are happening, he replied “Maybe it’s for your dad.” True enough, a few weeks later, he has gone home to be with His creator.

I could still remember those last few weeks with him. How God prepared us…how he prepared me for his death. It was a crucial point in my life. Of course, it was a September. Always a special month.

I really could not define my feelings right now. All I know is, God is with me. He is sovereign. And just like the past seasons in my life, He will carry me through. I know in my heart He is about to make something happen.

I only need to wait.
To be patient.
To be obedient still to His word.
To remain faithful.


As early as now, I’m warning myself: Be ready to be blown away by my Lord.

Taste and see that the LORD is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!

Psalm 34:8

Update: A few minutes after posting this entry, I heard my husband playing “You’ll Come” from Hillsong’s “This is is Our God” Album on guitar. He has no idea that the song is speaking to me right now.

You’ll Come

I have decided I have resolved
To wait upon you Lord
My rock and redeemer shield and reward
I’ll wait upon you Lord

As surely as the sun will rise
You’ll come to us
As certain as the dawn appears

You’ll come let your glory fall
As you respond to us
Spirit rain flood into our thirsty hearts again

We are not shaken we are not moved
We wait upon you Lord
Our Mighty deliverer my triumph and truth
I’ll wait upon you Lord

Chains be broken
Lives be healed
Eyes be opened
Christ is revealed

2 thoughts on “At a Crossroad

  1. This is my song too. 😉

    Whatever it is you’re going through, mother, just keep singing those words, and reading God’s promises, you’ll never go wrong.

    P.S. 6 years after my Dad went to be with the Lord, I still miss him even more than ever.

  2. So inspired by this post, mother! Now that i am growing impatient to give birth, it truly is a refuge to believe He’ll come for our heart’s desires. Tpphere is an appointed time for all. i hope you get thru past your crossroads.

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