Category Archives: Faith

Show Off What?

true humilityAm I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10 (NIV)

Do not strive to win the approval of others. Don’t even dare please men. Don’t think about it but rather gain the confidence of God. Being a servant of the Lord requires you to “wow” the Master with your character, work, and relationships.

Oftentimes, we forget how to be humble. In this day and age of social networks–Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram–it is so easy to show off what we love, hate, and have. Other people would say it’s not showing off but a way to inspire others to work hard and reach for their dreams. (True story. I saw this in an Instagram profile.)

There is nothing wrong with doing this. I would be a hypocrite if I say I don’t post the things I love, have, and still want. Why do I do that? I don’t really know. I guess I want to share the things that make me happy.

I smile at pretty stuff and pretty sights. I sometimes hope to bring a smile to those who will see my posts whether they are my new purchase or anything that has to do with my toddler. But really, do people care? I also don’t know. I just know that there are a few who’d say, “She went shopping again…” or “She’s wasting her husband’s money…“.

I have no intention to brag. I guess I want the world to know that I am not behind the curve just because I am a stay-at-home-mom. Self-pity often comes. More often than not, it’s me saying, “I am blessed by my Boss–God.”

I still earn my own money. This I can say with pride, and only because of His Grace– that I use my own shopping money. Of course, husband and I still have a concept of community. “What’s yours is mine, what’s mine is mine. Haha. Just kidding on the latter.

But does that really matter? That I earn or that I have things? Do I really want people to notice how God has blessed me and my family? Admit it, we are guilty of showing off at times.

Do you want people to see that you are not behind a trend? What do you and I gain from all these things? They are meaningless.

What is true humility? How can I stay humble? How can people see Christ more in my life? These are the questions I now ask.

I hope and pray that people see more of Who is in my heart– Jesus. That people notice my attitude and that I have hope, faith, and love– that I have an inner peace. The kind of peace that passes all understanding.

There is nothing wrong about wanting nice things. I only hope and pray that I keep things in perspective. And I hope that people are drawn to the real me–my inner beauty—Christ in me.

 If I have to “brag” about myself, I’ll brag about the humiliations that make me like Jesus.
2 Corinthians 11:30 (The Message)

You and me—the world can be so focused on material things that it can be a challenge not to be that way.  It can be difficult to be humble. But we have Jesus as a model of true humility.

Grateful to the Lord for all the blessings. May I be the kind of person now that people will see special because of the One who owns me.

May I strive to showcase more of what God has done in this world, His Word applied in my life, and the Truth revealed in me.


Reap What You Sow

You will always reap what you sow. Be prepared to either see profits or punishments in return. For God is a god of justice. He will give what is due you. It is up to you what see you will plant, grow, and wait to bloom.

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
Galatians 6:7

School Boy

Our little one is now a pre-schooler. The new school our church has opened up is really a blessing. Waking up is still a struggle while I’m slowly getting used to commuting and walking. After more than five years after hibernation, this mommy is now ready to face the sun. (Obvious na nga may tanlines na ako.LOL!)

I have a tendency to write a “novel” about this new milestone in our life so I’ll just share photos. (Madami pa rin. 😀 )


We can do more stuff together…

Continue reading School Boy

Ready for Rain

It’s rainy season alright but it always feels like summer. Such is the weather here in Manila. I’ve always loved the rain because it rained during our wedding. Haha! Since then, I see rain as a symbol of blessing. When we found out we were pregnant for the first time, it was raining. During my dad’s funeral, it also rained.

This year, I am particularly excited for this season because I got myself pairs of boots. Plural. I wasn’t satisfied with one so I got another pair earlier this month.

Here is my first pair:

Havaianas Always Summer Print Rain boots
Havaianas Always Summer Print Rain Boots, 55.00€


The Havaianas website lists this pair at 55 euros, which is about $72 or P3,148 but I got this for only P1,200 on Sulit. It was listed at P2,500 but since it was posted since November and nobody was buying, I figured the seller could give me a lower price. When it comes to online shopping on eBay and Sulit, it won’t hurt to “haggle”. I asked for his lowest price and he replied “1,2K”. I guess he just wanted to dispose the pair. It was his “pasalubong” to his wife from Europe but obviously, the wife didn’t want it. As for the size, it was perfect for me. Very good deal!  Continue reading Ready for Rain

Ten Suggestions for Maxed-Out Moms

Ever since I started to read parenting, mothering, and self-help books, I have become more conscious about my choices and reactions to outside stimuli. This year, I asked God to help me develop this Fruit of the Spirit: PATIENCE. Earlier this year, He gave me patients that would require me to extend my patience.

And then there’s Noah. Our little bundle of joy that has turned into a little tornado. My being a stay-at-home mom is perfect for him or so I thought. It’s not easy and I need all the help from my husband. It turned out, the things I know about parenting and taking care of my nephews and nieces are different when it comes to your own offspring.

I’m not yet a Maxed-Out Mom but as early as now, I’d like to avoid being burned out when it comes to managing my family.  A change within is more of what I want to happen.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2

Intentional Parenting. This is what my husband and I want to do. I believe parenting is not rocket science but thank God for His Word to serve as our guide.


Here’s a continuation of my sharing the things I’ve learned from Linda Weber’s book “HELP! I’M A MAXED-OUT MOM”.  I pray that you learn a thing or two from this list. May these words give you hope and a renewed strength.

  1. Never give up. You don’t always have to overcome every obstacle. Take a break. Comparisons are deadly, each one has her own problem.
  2. Grieve your loss. Deal with and go trough a process of coming to terms with the situation. There’s so much to deal with as we experience loss.
  3. Get help. Never grieve alone. You need another perspective, insight, or training. Don’t be embarrassed to ask help.
  4. Cherish your relationships. Don’t cut yourself off. Don’t destroy relationships through neglect or rejection. Don’t let the Maxed-Out Mom Syndrome continue.
  5. Admit your failures–then move one. Choose to avoid gulit and rid yourselves of dysfunction.
  6. Keep loving. Disapprove foolish choices, but don’t reject the child who made them. Real love is given despite the circumstances.
  7. Don’t dominate. Don’t try to fix the people involved. Don’t try to manipulate people into acting the way she thinks is best. A domineering mother can be one of the most dangerous and damaging parts of any crisis.
  8. Be creative. Bring creativity into the situation. See from a different angle, think of new solutions and ways to handle the problem.Creativity is stimulated by need. Find a group of women who can help you. Learn and profit from others’ experiences. Learn to duplicate the good and avoid the pitfalls. There’s always a way to lighten the load. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  9. Let the process refine you. Fire can destroy or purify. It’s up to you if you will let circumstances to change or forever make you feel bitter.
  10. Stop looking back and wishing. Too much of the past can keep you to move forward and change for the better. Stop blaming others or yourself for your misfortune. You can do something about your future.

I learned so much from this list. Most of us may have already read or heard about such but we forget them when “real life” happens. Relax. There are ways to handle your family.

If you haven’t experienced being stressed as a mom or a wife, let me tell you: life isn’t always sweet. Sure, you may avoid these mommy-challenges by either getting a lot of help or depending on your parents or in-laws, but ultimately, it’s your job as a mother (or as a father) to “disciple” your child. 🙂


The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.

Psalm 9:9-10


Life in Death

Oh, teach us to accept for when death comes it’ll hurt.
Teach us to rejoice and give us renewed hope.
For life is temporary and death is but a step,
a start to forever with you. 

I was going through one of my old notebooks and found these words I wrote last February 2010. I don’t remember if it’s a reflection on a sermon or a devotional I read. I guess these words somehow helped me understand and prepare myself for my dad’s passing the next year.

I can say I am not afraid to die but I don’t want to yet. I love my life so much and I can’t bear to leave my son and my husband. Not right now. Okay, I’m not dying. I’m not sick. I sometimes think about that morbid experience. Thank God that I know where I will go when I die.

Who’s afraid of death? I am not but it can be painful.

The most painful death I witnessed was of my father last September 29, 2011. It was all too sudden. It hurt a lot to know that he is forever gone but then I am immediately comforted by the thought that he is now having a blast in heaven with our Marker, reaping his rewards.

They say ‘Death has no sting’. It will hurt for a while but I believe there is victory over sin and death. Through Christ, you and me can face death with boldness.


“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.
And you know the way to where I am going.”
John 14:1-4


Mommy Anxieties

mommy anxietiesI’ve shared what I’m learning about motherhood a few times already but this time, I can tell you it hasn’t been easy lately. Motherhood so far has been a big challenge for me. You see, Noah is this very active toddler that sometimes I don’t want to bring him out of the house.

He doesn’t have ADHD. I know because: he is not easily distracted, he can focus on one task for minutes to hours, he doesn’t struggle following instructions, and he doesn’t have any difficult performing quiet tasks when needed

But then again we still haven’t brought him to a doctor to be tested. Naaah, he doesn’t have ADHD.  (Tell me if you think I’m wrong though.)

He is 3 and 1/2 years old. Next month, he will go to a nursery school our church has put up. I am excited and at the same time anxious.

I thought that it would be easier for me and my husband when Noah goes to school. That we’d have more time for each other, ourselves, and be able to do other things. But I don’t think that will happen. Our kid going to school will require more of our time and efforts–mine especially.

I am afraid. Sometimes I feel that my “life” will be over come June. Why? Because after more than six years of having the freedom to sleep and get up late, I now have to wake up at 6AM to prepare my son, myself, and our meals. That would require a big effort on my part. You may say it’s no big deal but it is to me. I have always been a night owl but soon, I will have to set some boundaries for myself and my son. (Dapat naman dati pa talaga. ) Continue reading Mommy Anxieties

Dreams are irresistible…

Dreams are irresistible, but they will never match reality when it finally appears. [Seth Godin]
Dreams are irresistible, but they will never match reality when it finally appears. [Seth Godin]

It’s okay to dream and have ambitions. I believe it’s God who places dreams and desires in our hearts but they won’t be fulfilled all the time. When things happen the way we don’t expect, remember that God is sovereign and that He allowed such to be experienced for a special reason. It may be painful but soon you will know how it can give sheer joy and peace.

But if the dream is fulfilled, don’t be too overwhelmed. Do not forget the God who blessed you and made your desires turn into realities. Don’t forget the people who helped you reach for your stars.

Be thankful.
Be grateful.
Give all glory, honor, and praise to the Father.
Remember grace.


Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord,
not for human masters.

Colossians 3:23