I first learned about googooandgaga when I went to a Mommy Bazaar at the Rockwell Tent after I gave birth more than two years ago. The shirts and onesies caught my attention. They weren’t the usual, cutesy T-shirts for babies. Back then, I was into major shopping-for-the-baby mode buying from online stores left and right. I’ve stopped shopping for myself and transferred the energy into shopping for my son which was more dangerous, I tell you.
On my first time to buy from Audrey Dimarucot, one-half of the husband-and-wife team behind googoo&gaga, I bought 3 items which cost me a little over 2,000 pesos. I was with my best friend at the time and when she asked me how much, she was shocked with my answer. I know! But those were the only stuff I bought that day and the shirts were too cool.
These were my first purchase:

This photo was used for his 1st Birthday Party’s Save the Date.
And this one:

They have an adult version of the T-shirts. They call it for Big Kids and I got the Rockstar for Joshua a few months later. I planned to have them wear the T-shirts on Noah’s Rockstar Party (his 1st birthday) but I forgot on the day itself! Sheeesh.
I bought the Rock Guitars shirt for the daddy together with Noah’s Rockstar shirt but it was only recently that he got to wear it:

From time to time, googooandgaga would send a newsletter containing special offers or information on pre-orders for the next collection. For the 2011 Holiday Collection, they released the Artist Collaboration Series 2. I ordered these two:

I specifically chose the Major Ursa not just because it’s the cutest among the new collection but because my churchmate Claud knows Dan Matutina.
There were several designs I’ve been wanting to buy but were always sold out. Fortunately, Mothering Earthlings had them: the Eagle Eye and the Wind Up Robot.

Hoping to become a future Eagle, eh?

And then only after two weeks, Googooandgaga sent another newsletter reminding me about the Spring/Summer Collection. I had to control myself. I wanted to get all design but settled on two–the Rock City and the City Skate.

And I ordered this for my niece Ava who was still inside her mommy’s tummy then:

I can’t wait to see 3-month old Ava wearing this one.
And then there’s the latest FALL Collection for Pre-order. I only ordered one design, Cebu Guitars, from the Artist Collab-Photographer’s Series, but in two sizes, Toddler Small for Noah and Big Kids Large for Joshua.

I want to get more but I’m controlling myself. Really. Next on my list are the Astronaut and Moon Landing shirts. Maybe for Christmas.
And what am I going to do with all these shirts? Save them for the next baby.
Googooandagaga is one company I’ve seen become more successful every time a collection is released. The artist AJ Dimarucot, is an award-winning graphic artist who has designed for Threadless, Nike, ESPN, and Bratpack among others. Audrey, is the one I’ve been communicating with for orders. I met her twice already and she’s very friendly and pretty too. They’re parents to three kids: one teenage son and two super cute daughters Gia and Georgia whom I always see on Instagram.
The brand has gone international too being sold in Singapore, France, US, and Canada. It’s obvious that I find the designs creative that’s why I’m supporting them. I recently made this pact to support more local companies and Googooandgaga is one of them.
Baby and toddler clothing need not to be too cutesy. They just need to be ‘Quirky for the Kooky Kids’. 😀
Visit googooandgaga’s website and check out the coolest shirts in town.
PS: Noah was once featured as a Kooky Kid. 🙂
I once blogged about GooGooandGaga too. Their shirt designs are amazing!
LOVE that Rock City GooGooandGaga shirts!!! :3