I laughed when I saw this poster because as much as I would like to say being with my son Noah always calms me down, there are times that he’s the cause of my stress. Hehe. Anyone who knows the famous “Keep Calm and Carry On” poster would be drawn to this local version and be interested what the NOAH here means.
This isn’t something I made for Noah. It’s a government initiative that I want to support not only for the NOAH reference but also because I know for a fact how technology can be helpful during tragedies. Remember during the Typhoon Ondoy and Sendong when Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks were used to spread and share relief efforts?
I got to hear Under Secretary Manuel L. Quezon III during the WordCamp Philippines 2012 Conference last Saturday. His keynote focused on the Official Gazette of the Philippines, Taxonomy, Corp Identity, Portal, and Institutional Memory efforts. I had no idea of such initiatives but Sir MLQ3 piqued my interest to support the government in this area. I’ve always dreamed of a hi-tech, super digital Philippine government and I’m looking at these efforts as only the beginning. I am all for spreading the cause and help promote the projects of the government I believe in.
So what is this Project NOAH all about? Read on.
Project NOAH is the Department of Science and Technology’s (DOST) response to the call of President Benigno S. Aquino III for a more accurate, integrated, and responsive disaster prevention and mitigation system, especially in high-risk areas throughout the Philippines.
The Project will harness technologies and management services for disaster risk reduction activities offered by the DOST through PAGASA, PHIVOLCS, and the DOST-Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI), in partnership with the UP National Institute of Geological Sciences and the UP College of Engineering. (Source: Gov.ph)
DOST has a more comprehensive description of the project HERE.
NOAH’s immediate task is to integrate current disaster science research and development projects and initiate new efforts within the DOST to achieve this objective. Presently there are eight(8) component projects under the NOAH program, namely:
- Hydromet Sensors Development
- DREAM-LIDAR 3-D Mapping Project
- Flood NET-Flood Modeling Project
- Hazards Information Media
- Enhancing Geo-hazards Mapping through LIDAR
- Doppler System Development
- Landslide Sensors Development Project
- Storm Surge Inundation Mapping Project
The current NOAH Program team is composed of the scientist-leaders of these projects. The country’s warning agencies: PAG-ASA and PHIVOLCS are also represented.
Within two years, NOAH shall provide high-resolution flood hazard maps and install 600 automated rain gauges and 400 water level measuring stations for 18 major river basins of the Philippines. (See complete list HERE.)
I am reminded of this Project NOAH last night because I wrote about Google’s effort to provide Hurricane Sandy its own Google Crisis Map. I think this is exactly what the government is aiming for.
This is just one project of the government but I hope more people, especially those hiding behind their desks and computer screens all day (like me!), support this one. What we did during the Typhoon Ondoy and Sendong were amazing and we thank technology–the Internet for that.
I guess it’s time, we Netizens, step up and support such cause. Tama na ang cyberbullying at pagbabasa ng mga blind item websites (note to self). Use your Internet and Technology skills for a good cause. You never know how much it can change lives.
Interestingly, The Story of Noah in the Bible can be related to salvation. More than the application of FAITH, Noah’s Ark symbolized Salvation. Noah believed God and made an Ark despite being laughed at by the people and in the end, he and his family were spared inside the Ark. God saved them from the Great Flood.
And then there is the Ark being a symbol of baptism. The earth was already corrupt and filled with violence in God’s sight. Great rain was sent to “wash away the sins of the world”. But the ark– Noah’s Ark– was a symbol of salvation for Noah and his family.
Project NOAH may be Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards but I’d like to look at this effort as a symbol of hope and change for the Filipinos.

And I told them of the hand of my God that had been upon me for good, and also of the words that the king had spoken to me.
And they said, “Let us rise up and build.”
So they strengthened their hands for the good work.
Nehemiah 2:18 (ESV)