How to Adopt a Kitten

So we’re adopting a kitten. It’s Noah’s first pet but it’s going to be a family effort.  I really hope this “Catty” will be a very good pet.

I believe God is the one directing the events in our life. I’ve been thinking of getting a cat lately and my neighbor finding an abandoned one the other day was no accident. It was meant to happen.

My friend Ying shared the story of how the kitten was found by her boyfriend Andy– in a comic strip! I love all her drawings but I especially love those related to Noah and me.

By: Aileen Oracion

Aileen shares the story of how the kitten was found:

Marc Andrei saw an abandoned kitten in a busy street the other day. He walked past it at first but as he continued home, he couldn’t imagine how it would survive if it rained all of a sudden or if it was swept into the street & run over b
y a car. It wasn’t until he got home & into the gate that he decided he was going to go back & get it.

There were 2 “tambays” seated along the sidewalk then. The kitten was right in front of them but they just ignored it. They were so surprised that he came back & took it. He felt their eyes on his back as he walked back home (as if they couldn’t believe what they just saw with their own eyes).

The kitten’s with us for now but Reah & family will be adopting it 😀 It will be staying with us until it’s healthy & ready enough to “defend” itself from their playful son, Noah (who also happens to be my godson)!

My first reaction to the story: Kasi naman ang laking tao pero animal lover.  Ang cute. Hehe.

You see, Andykins, as my officemates and I call him, is a big guy. He’s the protector-go-to-guy in our compound so you won’t think he cares about animals. This neighbors of mine really know how to care for their pets. Their cat RiRi is gorgeous while Chewey is a very good guard dog. Chewey and Noah…well, they’re not exactly best friends but that’s because Chewey gets jealous of the little boy. I hope someday they can become friends. 😀


My friends are the geniuses behind Big Ben Watches. If you’re into collecting vintage watches, check out their website.

Aileen Oracion is an artist! She never studied fine arts in school but her illustrations are awesome. She is now an art student, studying comic book illustration under comic veteran Nestor Malgapo’s mentoring.

Visit her Facebook Page: Aileen O Fantasy Art

6 thoughts on “How to Adopt a Kitten

  1. Kittens are lovely to be with.. They’re sweet and loving creatures. It’s so nice that you decided to adopt one.

    You reminded me so much of my father. When I was young, I could still recall him bringing home lost/astray kittens and making it our pets.

    I remember having 6 kittens, all of which were just brought home by my father. 😀

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