I am pregnant. Pregnant with gratefulness, dreams, thoughts, and burdens.
Gratefulness. Thankful to the Father for He has blessed me with so much in this world. I was chosen to become part of His Kingdom. I am blessed to have been given then privilege of knowing Christ for who He really is.That I was born to a family who loves me very much. I have a boyfriend who is the man God created Him to be. Friends who are true. Church who cares. Work that gives me all the freedom in the world. Provisions. Good health. Sound mind. Faith. And more.
Dreams. I dream a lot.I dream of giving my family the best. Get married. Have beautiful, smart, and talented children and raise them well. Have a business. Travel. Buy my own car. Buy an LV bag. Spend full time in ministry. Help the church. Or be known as a woman after God’s own heart.
Thoughts. They’re thoughts so I’d like to keep them exactly where they are…in my mind.
Burdens. My heart carries burdens for the youth. For the young people I know to be wiser in their ways. I am burdened to make them understand that no, it is not okay to have relationships with someone of different faith. That no, it is not okay to disobey your parents. Not to involve your family in your choice of a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Not to be intimate with persons of the opposite sex unless you’re ready for marriage. Not to hide. Not to commit fornication. Not to be promiscuous. Not to get pregnant or get someone pregnant outside the bounds of marriage. I long for them to understand that love is a wonderful experience when you allow God to author it. That love approved by God, family, friends, and the church is best. But more on their relationships, I long for them…for us….for us to glorify God with our hearts, mind, and souls.
I am pregnant. With all these things….I wish to give birth soon…to see them come to life.