I’ll be back!

So I’ve been bitten by the blog bug too. It’s time that I do some personal blogging. I was never away from the blogosphere though because I do that for a living. I just lost the desire to announce to the whole world whatever is on my mind. It was a decision for me not to blog after my daddy died. I was grieving. Still am.

But life is beautiful! Still beautiful. A lot has changed since then. Actually, even before that fateful day of September. Many things have happened that led to the way things are now. It was God who orchestrated everything. Amazing.

2010 was quite a challenge. The year ended with me being hurt. Challenged to the core.

2011 was all about family. It was all a out loving, learning, and living on our own. Bittersweet.

2012 is still a work in progress. I’m discovering so many new things.  Learning a lot of stuff. God is doing major work in my character too. I can’t wait to share my stories. My faith. My lessons.

I don’t really know what I’m going to do with this website. Gone are the days when I have to worry about PageRank, traffic, backlinks, or AdSense. Doing SEO and Internet Marketing for work and freelance a few years back forced me to “build up” my blog. I had ambitions for my websites..this and several other ones. But I had my hands full. Those are too much work. Really.

I’m blogging again. This will be a personal one. I can’t say this is going to be an online diary because a diary is supposed to be private, right? This will be my website. My blog. Mine. Again.

Will this be a mommy blog? A shopping blog? Faith blog? Rant blog? Or a review blog? I don’t know. Perhaps a combination of all those.

What I can promise you is this: I will be more honest about living this time, less rants.  And oh, more posts on being a family woman. That’s majorly who I am today, anyway–a wife and a mother.

I’ll be back…wait, I’m back! Please be kind. 🙂



11 thoughts on “I’ll be back!

  1. Same with me, mother. After papa died, naging madalang na ang blogging, reduced to a few posts a year. Strange, no? hehe.

    Ako rin trying to go back to blogging. Let’s go go go haha

    1. Hi Joni! I meant to message you, actually. I’ve been having many drama moments lately. Is that normal? Haha. Dad’s death anniversary is coming up, that’s why. Hehe.

      Yeah, let’s blog again! Keber na ang hits, backlinks, and clicks sa Google AdSense. :))

      1. ay keber na talaga! hahaha! dati masipag pa ko mag comment2x, make friends with other bloggers, ngayon sa close friends ko na lang :))

        Yes, normal talaga. At marami pa raw ito, for the rest of our lives na. 🙁 pero it does getter in time daw. haha puro ‘daw’ eh. hearsay lang kasi :))

        *hugs* mother reah!

  2. Trying to figure out your blog focus or alternately just going for a more general blog are certainly one of the bigger challenges we all face when starting a new venture. Give it some thought, but don’t be afraid to go back and change things if they don’t work out. 😉

  3. Blog for the sake of expression and stress-relief: that is how we all started to blog I think. I’m sure the new direction of your blog will make itself clear to you with time!

  4. We all get to a point where we ask “where do I go now?” or “what do I do now?”, whatever prompted us to get to that situation. I will include you in my prayer and I hope that God’s love will surround your heart.

    I’m happier not worrying about the stats, just keep on writing and sharing. Hope to see you back soon 🙂

  5. Almost two years huh? That’s a lot of baggage, which you can actually use in your blog – may it be personal or to advertise. I started 2008, NO IDEA about PageRank, traffic, backlinks, or even AdSense. It was only 2010 that I started getting paid post from friends in advertising company after breaking up with an ex-lover – who happens to be a designer and gave me alot of access to “people”. 🙂 Well, WELCOME BACK and I wish you well!

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