Glad I went. Will update soon. 😀
I’ll find time to share my experience and my takeaways from the WordCamp Philippines 2012 soon but for now, here is a list of bloggers who have shared about the event:
- Wordcamp Philippines 2012 Experience by Strife of Cloud
- Wordcamp Philippines 2012 – The Verdict by ilovestories
- Thoughts during the WordCamp Philippines 2012 by Ako si Niko
- WordCamp Philippines 2012: WordPress Campers by deiville
- Live: WordCamp Philippines 2012 by dust gaudan
- The Power of Your Story by Eyriche Cortez
- WordCamp Philippines 2012 Report by Naoko McCracken
- WordCamp Philippines 2012 by Mozilla Reps
- Just arrived from wordcamp Philippines 2012 by Ed Pudol
* will be updating this list regularly
I was searching Google for related blogs but I only found a few. I discovered photos on Flckr and was surprised to see who else but me on Klaris Chua‘s account. Ayan kasi search ka pa. Haha!

I immensely enjoyed the conference held at AIM. It was my first time. I regret that I didn’t go the past conferences or even tried to because it was so much fun and I learned a lot. I promise to share soon. 😀
For the meantime, here is the shirt I got for my husband:

My WordCamp Philippines 2012 loot:

Yan muna. 😀