Tag Archives: Star Wars

That Day

I didn’t know what to expect from September 29. I thought I would no longer cry because I’ve already cried buckets of tears the past few days. I woke up earlier than usual but could no longer go back to sleep. I managed to write another lengthy blog entry about my Daddy. My mommy requested that I write something. I didn’t know how to start but when I finally started, my fingers just wouldn’t stop. I wrote Bye. I love you. on my iPhone at 4am. Heavy tears naturally followed. My husband lovingly gave me a hug and said nothing. His silence meant a lot to me.

When I was done writing, I fell asleep. I whispered a quick prayer for God to give me and my family the strength to go through that day. It was one long and very fun day. It was epic! We went to my nephew Matteo’s Snoopy Street Fair Party. After the party, Josh and I went to visit my Lola. I spent time with my nephew and niece because I was missing Noah who was with my in-laws then. Josh and I rested for awhile and then we went on a late date at Power Plant Mall. Shallow but I was again ready for some retail therapy. However, I saw nothing I liked and we had little time. Continue reading That Day