Unboxing the May 2013 BDJ Box

The May BDJ Box finally arrived last Sunday, Mother’s Day.

I really felt weird taking photos of beauty products as I am used to unboxing gadgets. I cannot say I was as excited because I could sense my husband looking at me while I was doing it. Haha! It’s not enough that I’m shopping online and now this, I’m taking unboxing photos. 😀

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Box is smaller than I imagined. I think an iPad Mini could fit inside.
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Found my name, mobile no, and address at the bottom of the box
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The May BDJ Box costs P480 but contents actually cost more. The Maybelline mascara along costs around P300
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Garnier and Maybelline products plus Ralph Lauren perfume samplers
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I’m excited to use the Garnier products because I’ve been experiencing some kind of problems on my face–BREAKOUT to the highest level. The worst ever. Hopefully, Garnier will work. We’ll see…

BDJ BOX on Facebook
BDJ Box Website


Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 



One thought on “Unboxing the May 2013 BDJ Box

  1. Subscribing to BDJ box is really worth the price you paid because of the glamorous items you are always surprised to be given with. Each unwrapping feels like you’re opening gifts from Santa. 🙂 I like their products.

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